Edge Loyalty Program
Edge Loyalty Program
The Edge Loyalty Program at Heaslip Ford offers exclusive benefits to our valued customers. As a member, you'll enjoy special discounts, priority service appointments, and personalized offers tailored just for you.
Effective January 3rd through March 31st
If you’re a proud owner of a Ford Edge, we want to thank you for your continued loyalty and trust in us! If you’re ready to trade in your currently owned or leased Edge, we have good news! Right now, for a limited time, Ford is offering Edge Customers Loyalty amounts of up to $2000 depending on the vehicle model you choose. You must use this exclusive offer towards the purchase or lease of an eligible Ford vehicle. Speak with us today to learn more!
Exclusive Ford Edge Offer
Are you ready to trade in your currently owned or leased Edge? If so, we have good news for you!
Ford is offering Edge Customers Loyalty amounts of up to $2000 depending on the vehicle model that you choose!
You must use this exclusive offer towards the purchase or lease of an eligible Ford vehicle. Want to know more, please reach out to one of our Sales & Leasing Consultants for more details.
Edge Loyalty Offer Amounts
Escape, Edge, Bronco Sport, Maverick, Mustang ICE, Ranger
Explorer, Bronco, Mustang Mach-E
Expedition, F-150, F-150 Lightning, F-Series Super Duty
Offer available for a limited time!
The Edge Customer Loyalty Program is available from January 3rd through March 31, 2025!